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     HomeProduct centercapsule

    The callous antidiarrheal capsule

    Ingredients :

    Rhizoma coptidis gallic dragon's blood mastic West tragacanth gum Pomegranate flowers Tianzhu yellow Fleas of semen plantaginis West green coriander seed myrobalan meat Berberis fruit such as 14

    Functional indications :

    Remove blood loss and degradation of abnormal bile excess, antidiarrheal; Used for abdominal pain, diarrhea, ou evil, indigestion

    Specifications :

    0.3g×24 tablet /box

    Usage and dosage :

    Oral; 3 pills at a time, three times a day

    Approval number :

    Z65020169 approved by the state
    The callous antidiarrheal capsuleManual download